The Real Face of Mexico

Read at your own risk! Viewers may experience the wants to visit Mexico.

Mexico is known for its beautiful beaches but many people do not know about "La Playa Escondida" which means the hidden beach.

La playa escondida

Another of Mexico's natural beauty would be the "Grutas de Tolantongo" which are natural termic pools.

Las Grutas de Tolantongo

Mexican people are known to be one of the happiest people and one of the reason why that might be,in my opinion, is because they are very artistic people that enjoy all the nice little things in life.

Colorful houses in Mexico

Mexico has many food markets but not a lot of people know about the artisanal markets. One of the biggest artisanl market is called "La Ciudadela". La Ciudadela

Now you know a bit more about Mexico!